My Nutrition Summary

I was recently asked to summarize my nutritional beliefs.
There is an incredible amount of confusing and conflicting ideas and beliefs about nutrition. After my study about nutrition, based on my understanding (and prayer) these are my thoughts:

*Eat meat only in times of cold/winter or in famine.
Therefore, those living in Russia would eat more flesh than those living in Mexico. In times of cold-- fish is better than turkey or chicken, and the latter is better than red meats.

*Dairy products do not benefit the body and are never needed for nutrition. In fact, I believe that they will damage the body (especially pasteurized, hormone and antibiotic-filled products.)

*Eat whole, unprocessed plant foods. Raw is best. The more raw foods in the diet, the better.
*Eat a variety of foods. (Colors reflect nutrients--eat all the colors of the rainbow.)
*Focus mostly on green, leafy vegetables. These contain the most nutrients our bodies need.

*Wheat is the staff of life. Staff means an aid. Wheat shouldn't actually be the bulk of our diet, but the support.

*Some oil is needed for the body to properly function. (This is where I disagree with Dr.McDougall--He believes that we should have no added fats.) Not much, just a few tablespoons a day--that's all.

*Processed soy foods (although good transition foods) should not be included in the diet. (Although whole soy, adamame, is a good source of nutrients.)

*Nuts and seeds are wonderful foods to include in your diet--in their raw state. They are even more beneficial when combined with green, leafy vegetables.

*Limited natural, sea-salt can be used.

*Taste-buds can change and will enjoy more natural foods when trained in that fashion.


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Jannie said...

Hey Beth! I always wonder what exactly your nutritional beliefs are so this was interesting to read. Thanks so much for your wonderful bread recipe! I've started making it twice a week so we can just have the delicious and healthy bread instead of store-bought (so much better!). Love to you guys!

Michelley said...

Somehow I lost this blog address - but found it again. I want to try some of those recipes you posted!