Eat to Live

My Sister, Elaine, said that she would read "The China Study" if I read "Eat to Live." I do like it.
It gave some good, basic information, but also added ways to apply the plant-based diet to daily life. It also included different diet plans and recipes for both drastic and moderate effects.
My favorite quote from the book is when Dr. Fuhrman is talking about the government's involvement in the education of the American public regarding nutrition including the USDA's food guide pyramid and nutrient analysis:

"Some foreign enemy out to destroy America could not have devised a more effective and insidious plot. How ironic that this was the program designed by our own government, promoted with our own tax dollars, and justified on the ground that it served the public interest."
Yes, there is an enemy out to destroy us, and he will if we are not awake, aware, knowledgable, and willing to fight against him. And he is using any way he can to destroy our freedom -- physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, etc. Nor will he wave a red flag saying, "This is what I'm going to do next!" No, he will do it slowly, patiently, until we are bound by his enslaving lies.
My solution: Question everything....

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